Monday, May 15, 2006

An unproductive weekend

Well I didn't quite get as much done this weekend as I would have liked. At least I have a good excuse, or at least a reasonably good one. This weekend marked Mel's 30th birthday so a bunch of us went out for dinner on Friday and then we hit the town. For some strange reason I was very unmotivated to get anything done on Saturday and Sunday was not much better.

Monday evening proved to be pretty productive and the kitchen has taken another big step towards being done.

I built a new pillar that now encloses our chimney and hosts a new heating duct for one of the second floor bedrooms. Unfortunately the bricks from the fireplace are in poor condition as they have been nailed into many times during the life of the house and have crumbled a bit. That and the fact that we want to keep the amount of finish material (bamboo, black tile and concrete) to a minimum has forced us to cover the chimney with drywall.

I also managed to insulate the 2 exterior walls with fiberglass pink insulation and then added a vapour barrier and some accoustic sealant. The rest of the house may not be insulated but at least the kitchen will be warm.

In the above photo (showing the insulated and vapour barriered shared wall) you can see some additional bracing I installed in order to handle the weight of our Ikea kitchen cabinets.

Next I started drywalling. I can install two horizontal sheets before I drywall the ceiling which means I can get most of the kitchen done on my own. I am hoping that by the end of the upcoming long weekend I will have the ceiling drywalled as well.

Tomorrow Derl comes over to inspect our plumbing. I am hoping he will have the time to do some work for us. We need to reroute the bathroom sink vent, remove another pipe (fingers crossed that it is not being used any longer) and get the kitchen sink plumbing ready for the new sink and fridge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had lots of time to do things Sunday because he did not take his Mother out on Mothers' Day but was too hung over!!!