Thursday, March 02, 2006

As promised photos and oh what a difference

Sorry for the late posting of pictures. Here is how the place looks now that we have finished all the major demolition work on the first floor. Tonight we spent the evening getting ready to move in tomorrow, lots and lots of cleaning.

As you can see the place has really opened up, in fact we get great sunlight in the afternoon. The photo on the left shows the view from the kitchen looking at the dining room. On the left is a pillar where the mechanical (electrical and plumbing) are located. We are hoping to move the venting (furthest to the right) in to the dining room. There is also a pipe in the way, which means we will need a plumber. The other option would be to just box it in as it is, however I think the extra foot really makes a huge difference. Hopefully it doesn't cost too much....its good to know a plumber.

This photos shows the view from the door way. I have left the pillar supporting the 2nd floor, it's probably not a good Idea to remove it quite least till we have a replacement for it. To the right of the picture is some dangling electrical at the front foyer that will be relocated into a half wall we are building. I guess I get to try my hand at the electrical as well.

This is my favourite photo so far, it really shows off the openness of the space. As you can see the heating duct really needs to go, it opens up the space even more.

Also notice how nice the stairwell looks exposed. We have some interesting ideas in how we are going to finish it. The wall under the stairwell will be covered in tile. We are going to try and keep two main themes through out the place, tile and bamboo flooring. The tile we have chosen is quite amazing...its a black tile from Emerald Flooring called "Master Plan African". I wish I had a picture of it, but soon enough we will have it installed.

So this weekend means some more clean-up, particularily in the master bedroom. There is a closet to remove as well as a bit of wall to take out. After the clean-up is done Mel and I will need to decide where in the master our new shared closet will go but more on that in a bit. I will also have to start the construction of the half-wall at the front of the house.

So much to do, at least its fun.

For now that is.

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