Monday, August 20, 2007

Last touches before the big day

We have been getting some last minute stuff done around the house before our big day. For those who haven't heard Mel and I are getting hitched this saturday. After that we will be off on our honeymoon....stay tuned right here for photos.

The other week we had some labourers in too remove the lath and plaster from the second floor hall and our guest bedroom. We are now very close to finishing all the demolition. All that remains is the inside of the bathroom and some of the office.

We are once again building up quite the garbage pile in the backyard.

This past weekend finally let me start work on our new entertainment centre. We bought a couple of simple units from Ikea and mounted them on 2x6 bases which will eventually be covered in stainless steel...similar to our kitchen. Next I will add a concrete top to it and finish off some other finishing details.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend and having quite the party.

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