Sunday, June 11, 2006

Lots of photos today

Today (Sunday) turned out to be very productive. Mel's parents came over and lent us a hand with our front garden and cleaning up our backyard. I spent the day putting in our new French garden doors and boy does it look great.

We ordered the doors last Tuesday from Home Depot and scheduled the delivery for Friday. On Friday I opened up the door cavity expecting that the door would arrive at any point. Boy was I wrong, in fact in never showed. I spent most of the late afternoon on the phone trying to get the issue resolved, one guy even told me that they would send it out on Saturday. Lucky for me I had some plywood here so I could board up the opening.

Saturday morning I called early to check on the door as we would be out all day playing frisbee. Well guess what, they knew nothing of it. I finally demanded to speak with the store manager. Thankfully he resolved the issue and got us the door later that afternoon and he refunded us our delivery fee.

So with the door delivered, I spent the morning installing it. The installation went very easy as I have done this sort of thing a few times. The kitchen is really taking shape now. I also spent some time sanding my 2nd coat of mud. That means this week I will do a 3rd coat, some more sanding and maybe a 4th coat to make sure it all looks great.

Mel and her parents really did a great job with the garden. Her mom Jacqueline is great with plants and brought a bunch of flowers for us from her own garden. We finally have a very respectable front yard which should make our neighbours much happier. It beats the junkyard that used to be there. Mel's dad Don filled our garbage bin up as well. In fact our 30 yard bin is completely filled and we still have a shed full of garbage bags. Looks like we will need another bin but a least the yard doesn't look like the set from Sanford and Son.

We have also ordered our cedar for the deck the we will be doing. It should be in sometime next week. I am hoping to get the undercarriage done this week and/or weekend. The undercarriage will be done with pressure treated lumber as it will not be seen by anyone and the PT helps prevents rot as these areas have little air flow.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

sorry, sorry for the lack of posts.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Not a lot has changed, the house is still under construction. One good thing is that Mel has finished her last exam (Architecture). She managed to do 10 exams in about 10 months. Pretty soon she'll be a full blown architect, she should be getting her final results in August or September.

Well the kitchen is still a work in progress. The drywall is all up and I am in the midst of mudding it. Once again I owe Robin big for coming over to help. Tonight I finished the second coat, however I am really taking my time so that it all comes out looking great.

A while back I got bored and tore down our little cold room (off the kitchen). So it's now gone and will soon be replaced by a new deck. The plan is to build a wrap around deck (L shaped). I even ordered the cedar today. In fact I think our priority might be to get the deck done. Who needs a kitchen in the summer when you can BBQ.

Tomorrow we take delivery of our new French garden door. I can't wait to see how the kitchen will look with it in.

We have also finally gotten a garbage bin in. Now we can start cleaning up our yard and keep the neighbours happy.

Hopefully I will get back into posting again and be able to show you some finished work for a change.