Thursday, February 16, 2006

President's Choice Insurance Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we are a little over a week from our closing date of February 27th, which we moved up from March 1st in order to give us a little time to remove walls and do some general demolition before we move in. In order to make sure that we were protected in case we accidentally burned our house down before March 1st (it has happened before) we decided to move up our insurance to the same day as we took possession. Mel called our insurance company PC Financial Insurance to make the arrangements. Of course nothing is easy, they lost our policy but suggested we call back on Thursday in case it arrived by mail in the mean time.

Well it’s now Thursday and guess what, nothing has arrived. Time to give them a call and make the necessary arrangements. We figured going into this we would have to regurgitate all the info we already gave them and boy did we have to do it all over again. I should have known we were dealing with idiots the first time when they couldn’t understand what a flat roof was. This evening was the same, we once again hit that dreaded question about the roof. Here is how that conversation went:

PC: what kind of roof is on the house?
US: it's a flat roof.
PC: is the roof in the shape of an A?
US: no, it's a flat roof.
PC: ok, what kind of shingles are on it?
US: it's a flat roof, it has a tar roof.
PC: are the shingles asphalt, clay or wood?
US: no, it's a flat roof. Flat roofs are usually made of tar.
PC: oh, is it a metal roof?
US: no, its a tar roof. its a flat membrane roof.
PC: ok, I don't have that option.

I'm not kidding, that is verbatim of our conversation with PC and it happend twice.

We then spent another twenty minutes answering many, many more questions. After they got all the answers they needed, the idiot at the other end of the phone then says "sorry we can't insure your house because it has a flat roof". WTF, half the roofs in our area of Ottawa are flat not to mention this is the second time we told them it was flat. What a bunch of incompetent idiots...stay away from PC Insurance.

This, as you can imagine caused us a little stress. As with most people we made getting insurance a condition of our home purchase, which we waived a month ago because PC told us we were insured.

Luckily for us we called Bel-Air Direct and they were great, staffed by knowledgeable people...who even knew what a flat roof was. Even better was that we save $20 per month on our insurance. So my recommendation to everyone reading this is stay away from PC Financial and/or Insurance and go with Bel-Air Direct, who I believe are now owned by ING.

Well that's about it, boy did I need to vent. Boy I wish I could sue those idiots at Presidents Choice.

I promise that I will get back to posting about the renovations next time. Stay tuned we demo Monday, February 27th.

1 comment:

The good, the bad and the fugly said...

Good for now, we'll see after we get into the renovation.

Mel and I are talking about coming down in the spring, maybe do a little wine tasting.