Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Its been a long time but lots has happened

By now most people are probably wondering what is going on with our renovation....some may even be expecting it to be done. Well unfortunately we aren't done but we are getting really really close and we have a good excuse or two for not being finished....first off both of us have been very busy with our jobs. Second off we have recently bought a third house which ..ughh yes...we are renovating and renting it of our Armstrong property to follow soon.

Let's start with our place. We have finished all the drywall and mudding and currently have Denis a good friend of ours coming in to do the tiling in the bathroom....fingers crossed in the next two weeks we will have a full bath. This would leave the bamboo flooring as the last big project to be done.
The new shower...just waterproofed and waiting for tiles

Our nearly finished guest room...walls are even painted

Yes we are still showering in our future office.